600 Personal Development Exercises
do one a day - every day!
BREAKFAST SERIAL I want you to be excited about the work you are about to do. For the opportunities that are waiting for you. For the friends who will support you and for the new beginnings, that we share each day. PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT EXERCISE 1. What script do you write for yourself each morning over breakfast? 2. How can you create an amazing plot - of projects, opportinities and friendships to be played out today? 3. Imagine it's breakfast time - and create the next episode in your serial. Day 521 of Des McCabe's Personal Development Exercises ELEPHANT They say that the best way to eat an elephant (meaning, to tackle that big task), is one bite at a time. Or to cross the river, is to go, from one stepping-stone to the next. Or to finish the jigsaw, is simply to, take one piece at a time. And so it is, with our elephant, our river and our jigsaw. They are all there for us to take one bite, one step, one piece, today. PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT EXERCISE. 1. What is your elephant?? 2. What is your river? 3. What is your jigsaw? Day 496 of Des McCabe's Personal Development Exercises A DOG'S LIFE The dog finds a stick. The dog chases and fetches the stick. The dog chases and fetches the stick. The dog chases and fetches the stick. The dog chases and fetches the stick. The dog chases and fetches the stick. The dog chases and fetches the stick. The dog chases and fetches the stick. The dog carries the stick. PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT EXERCISE. 1. Are you ready for a rest? 2. Is it time to change what you have been repeatedly doing? Day 486 of Des McCabe's Personal Development Exercises WISHFUL THINKING We can change the world and help others with our positive ideas and our kind thoughts. This is more than wishful thinking. For Quantum Physics tells us, that every single thought that we have, influences everything else in the universe, simultaneously. And so, What are you thinking about, today? What are you wishing for, every day? What would you like to see happen, now? PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT EXERCISE 1. What is the most important thinking that you can do? 2. How will you develop the daily habit of Wishful Thinking? Day 462 of Des McCabe's Personal Development Exercises NEW DAY Every day is different. Every day is new. Rediscover the ordinary. Welcome what we take for granted. Celebrate with those you meet. Be open to filling all the spaces of this day, in a new way. For every day is different. PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT EXERCISE 1. What will you re-discover today? 2. Who will you welcome? 3. What will you celebrate? Day 447 of Des McCabe's Personal Development Exercises
DON'T LOSE YOUR DAY Do not let your day become a list of things to do, or meetings to attend, or people to talk with.. For when our day is over, all we will have achieved are some 'ticks', against our 'to do' list. Start with meaning, and look at all that this day, can offer you. See every ACTIVITY as your moment, to make the world a better place. See every TASK as an invitation, to explore a new aspect of yourself. See every CONVERSATION as your opportunity, to build love through everything that you are. PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT EXERCISE? 1. Replace your daily to-to list with a personal impact list. 2. Capture the results of every activity, task and conversation. Day 421 of Des McCabe's Personal Development Exercises
HEARING AIDS Our priority today is to sit and listen, to walk and listen, to read and listen, to watch and listen. PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT EXERCISE? 1. How can you use your top four hearing aids today? Day 417 of Des McCabe's Personal Development Exercises
Reactive The bell rings and the dog salivates. Waiting for the next piece of food to arrive. Just because there is a stimulus, doesn’t mean that there has to be a response. Just because someone says something, doesn’t mean that you have to answer. Just because something happens, doesn’t mean that you have to act. Just because your phone pings. Just because an email arrives. Just because the time says so. Just because social media keeps talking. It is when we stop being controlled by external activities, that we can begin to listen to internal whispers. PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT EXERCISE. 1. How do you invest your time? 2. Who or what can controls your behaviour at times? 3. What might you say 'no response' to? Day 317 of Des McCabe's Personal Development Exercises
SELFIE Do Something Every Day for yourself. Do something to harvest what you’ve learned. Do something to capture your learning in words. Do something to share your experience. Do something to help others you meet. Before you get captured by emails, social media, and the demands of others. Before the day disappears, into more of the same. Before you run out of energy, and out of time. Do Something Every Day for yourself. For how else will you use the skills you’ve been given? For how else will you make things better for others? For how else will you leave your mark? For how else will you make the world a better place? Do Something Every Day. Put yourself first. Do a selfie every day. PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT EXERCISE. 1. What will you do today to harvest and share your experience? Day 313 of Des McCabe's Personal Development Exercises
INSIGHT The most exciting part of my day, is here. Right now. PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT EXERCISE. 1. Why is this the most exciting part of your day? Day 310 of Des McCabe's Personal Development Exercises
MONDAY MORNING Monday morning and time to set out my focus and plan, for this week. Lots of stuff as always, to be done in my daily routine. But my stuff is always there. And all of us has stuff to do. It’s what we think that really matters. What do we bring or what’s our added value? I can bring a positive spirit I can bring encouragement I can bring friendship I can bring help. I can also think about my journey and what all of my stuff is about. This is the real focus for my week ahead. Behind, within and above all of the stuff. PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT EXERCISE. 1. What stuff have you to do this week? 2. What's your focus behind, within and above all of your stuff. Day 300 of Des McCabe's Personal Development Exercises
PROJECT MANAGER Pick a project every day. A mini activity that you will focus on. It might be writing something, or fixing something, or creating something. It could be helping someone, talking to someone, or working with someone. This will be your achievement and success from today and every day from now on. Pick a project today and every day. And watch your legacy grow. PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT EXERCISE 1. What is your project for today? 2. What is tomorrow's project? Day 286 of Des McCabe's Personal Development Exercises
EARLY MORNING CALL I like to get up early in the morning. I like to get up and find the day. I like to sit and see the Sun come up. I like to get up and find my way. I like to get up early in the morning. I like to get up before the light. I like to sit with my cup of tea. I like to get up while it’s night. PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT EXERCISE 1. How do you kick-start your day? 2. How do you focus on what is important to you every morning? Day 284 of Des McCabe's Personal Development Exercises
THOUGHTFUL I can do nothing about the past for it has gone. All is etched in time. I can do nothing about the future for the future never arrives. All I have is this moment and this thought. I ask for your mercy to forgive my past and to guide my present. PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT EXERCISE 1. What is your thought in this moment? 2. And what is your thought in this moment? Day 261 of Des McCabe's Personal Development Exercises
TIMEKEEPER The village clock says 11:52, and chimes three times. An hour later, the village clock says 11:52, and chimes four times. PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT EXERCISE 1. How well are you keeping time? 2. How might you 'stop your clock'? Day 199 of Des McCabe's Personal Development Exercises
DAILY EXERCISE Treat each day like a race, and run. Run to win. See the finish line and go for it. Start fast. Run to win. Go faster and Faster still. Keep going. Run to win. Who knows what you might do if you run. Run to win. Go past the finish line. All is possible. Run today. Run to win. PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT EXERCISE 1. What is your race today? 2. Where is your finish line? 3. Are you running now? Day 193 of Des McCabe's Personal Development Exercises
POWERPOINT I will find a moment of silence, somewhere in this busy day. At some point I will be able to stop, rest, and give myself some space. Just to be who I am, away from all the noise, and demands of the world. At some point, I will find a moment of silence, in this busy day. PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT EXERCISE 1. When is your PowerPoint today? 2. What will this moment of silence offer you? 3. What will be in the Presentation? Day 188 of Des McCabe's Personal Development Exercises
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