600 Personal Development Exercises
do one a day - every day!
ABSORPTION I try not to think and just absorb like tissue paper, all around me, as the morning ocean engulfs my senses. I try not to think and just absorb like tissue paper, all around me, but sand tickles my nose and I sneeze. Bless you. PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT EXERCISE 1. When did you last have a blessing? 2. When did you lastr give a blessing to someone who sneezed? Day 527 of Des McCabe's Personal Development Exercise FALSE POSITIVE Numbers that add up do not always give the right answer. PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT EXERCISE 1. Write down the three numbers that are most significant for you. 2. What are the events/places/times that these represent? 3. How do you feel about these? 4. In a perfect world, would you like to have a different answer? Day 517 of Des McCabe's Personal Development Exercises FACIAL RECOGNITION Our face is a mirror for all that we have found in the world. Our eyes are a window for all that we are still searching for. PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT EXERCISE 1. What do you see when you look closely at your face in a mirror? 2. What do you see in your eyes? Day 504 of Des McCabe's Personal Development Exercises FAILURE What if our failure is in reality our greatest success? What if our failure is really a jolt to get us back on track, or a blockage to stop us going in the wrong direction? What if our failure is the start of what we should be doing? You see there is no such thing as failure. There is only the elimination of an option, the opportunity to start better, or the chance to uncover more of who we really are. PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT EXERCISE. 1. What do you consider as failures in your past? 2. How might you re-look at these now as 'the elimination of an option, the opportunity to start better, or the chance to uncover more of who you really are'. Day 494 of Des McCabe's Personal Development Exercises ODD MAN OUT Where do men go to talk? Where do men go for friendship and support? Where do men go with their worries and fears? Where do men go to share their skills? Where do men go to find a place of acceptance? Where do men go to build their future? Where do men go to make a difference? Where do men go when they are on their own? Where do men go these days? PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT EXERCISE 1. How might your organization or workplace offer greater development opportunities and support for men? Day 458 of Des McCabe's Personal Development Exercises ONE DAY, TWO STRATEGIES Some say 'Carpe Diem'. Seize the day. Make this day work for you. But others say 'Amitte Diem'. Let go of the day. Let this day be what it is. Whichever you say all is okay. Carpe Diem. Amitte Diem. Choose today. PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT EXERCISE 1. Which strategy will you use for the rest of your day? 2. When should you 'seize the day' and when should you 'let go of the day'? Day 456 of Des McCabe's Personal Development Exercises TIME PLAY Time Play is a personal development application, when we recall an event or a time from our past, and place it in the present. Something from ten years ago for example, becomes relevant now. The process gives us a more complete picture of our life and a broader context of what was going on at that time. Time Play also offers us fresh insights on our current situation. Places, people, relationships and activities from our past, are present with us today. All become re-discovered, re-created and re-positioned. Our past and present are one. PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT EXERCISE 1. Try the Time Play application. Recall a significant event from your past. 2. Place this in the current context. 3. What does this suggest for your view of the past, for your present and for your life as a whole. Day 431 of Des McCabe's Personal Development Exercises
PULLING THE PLUG It’s as if the plug has been pulled out of the bath. I’m sitting in empty space. That’s how I feel today. My brain has been emptied of all tasks and work. I have literally nothing to do. It’s an amazing feeling! An incredible freedom. Is it time to pull the plug and sit in empty space? PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT EXERCISE 1. Are you willing to sit in an empty bath? Day 397 of Des McCabe's Personal Development Exercises
FOUR PRISONS We all have our regrets which we hold and bury. We all have our fears which we manage or ignore. We all have our secrets which we cover or hide. We all have our mistakes which we repeat time and again. We all have a view of ourselves that can trap and restrict us. Regrets, fears, secrets and mistakes are the four prisons that stop us becoming all that we should be. Our transformation comes about when we replace these with love, joy, friendship, and trust, in all that we are, and do. So replace your regrets with joyful reminders. Replace your fears with trust in what is now. Replace your secrets with love of yourself. Replace your mistakes with friendship and help for others. Free yourself from the four prisons of self, and see the incredible person that you already are. PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT EXERCISE 1. Write out the regrets, fears, secrets and mistakes that you still carry. 2. Write out your new list of joy, trust, love and friendship. Day 394 of Des McCabe's Personal Development Exercises
DISORDERLY BEHAVIOUR I’m thinking of everything and then nothing. Fully alert and then nearly asleep. I’m scheming about work and then lost in daydreams. My morning time when I sit on my own, is without order and format. It is not planned or predictable. I am all over the place, with no direction or focus. So I accept what comes, what stays, what goes, and what is. For all is now, in this time and all, somehow makes sense, in this disorderly behaviour. PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT EXERCISE 1. How do you make sense of all that you are? Day 363 of Des McCabe's Personal Development Exercise
TIMELESS I used to resent losing my time, giving up an hour or a day to others, for activities I saw had little value. I now realise, that it’s not my time to lose or to give up. I used to regret wasting my time, sitting doing nothing, when I should have been so productive. I now realise, that it’s not what I think is productive that matters. PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT EXERCISE 1. How do you view time - as a commodity or a gift? Day 279 of Des McCabe's Personal Development Exercises
DEFROST You are not behind schedule. You are not trying to catch up. You do not have a mountain of work . You do not need to go crazy. No, you are exactly where you should be. For all else is just activity, and not you. You are okay. All is totally fine. You can relax. What is really important will eventually get done. And all else will melt away. PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT EXERCISE 1. What is making you so busy? 2. Is it time to defrost? Day 268 of Des McCabe's Personal Development Exercises
CALM It’s really stormy The wind is howling. The dark sea throws us around. It seems that we are forever on this boat. I wake up relieved that I am no longer a fisherman. I now explore a different world at the bottom of the ocean. PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT EXERCISE 1. Have you woken up yet? 2. Have you got arond to exploring a different world? Day 264 of Des McCabe's Personal Development Exercises
RESPITE CARE Stop playing around with all the different pieces of your life. Stop trying to make this work and that happen. Just stop. All of those things are what you think you need to make happen, to survive and earn. But they are not. They are in fact consuming your time and energy, and taking you away from what you should be doing. So stop. Go back to basics. Go back to you. Go back to all that you are and let new energy emerge from here. Look after yourself. PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT EXERCISE 1. What are the pieces that you are trying to sort out? 2. Are you able to stop for a moment and go back to all that you are? Day 258 of Des McCabe's Personal Development Exercises
BEEKEEPERS The noise in my head is intense. Priorities, to do lists, competing demands, people waiting for this and expecting that. It’s like a glass box full of bees, all flying around looking for space. So, I open the box and immediately the bees fly away. They all go and find their own space and I am left with mine. No noise, just peace. I close the lid and the bees cannot return. Nor can I put any other things into this glass box. It remains empty and clear I am no longer a beekeeper. PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT EXERCISE 1. What is causing noise in your glass box? 2. Can you let it escape? Day 254 of Des McCabe's Personal Development Exercises
ARRIVALS LOUNGE Sit down. Put the phone down. Put the book down. Put the pen down. Breathe out. Relax. Smile. You have arrived. PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT EXERCISE 1. What is the Arrivals Lounge? Day 241 of Des McCabe's Personal Development Exercises
MINDFUL I am busy all of the time. There is just so much to do. My mind never stops. I’m always thinking about this and that, and whatever comes along. My head is packed with information, ideas and plans. I have created a detention centre for my brain. How can I get my life back? Where is my rehabilitation program? How can I enjoy every day as if it is the only day I’ll ever have? How can I be grateful and happy for all that I’ve been given? How can I find space not to think, not to plan and not to be so busy? PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT EXERCISE 1. When and where do you find space and time not to think? Day 231 of Des McCabe's Personal Development Exercises
WORK LIFE BALANCE My bike has a rickety wheel. It jolts me unpredictably from side to side. Like I am forever on a rocky beach. I balance as best I can, sometimes stopping to put one foot down. But I’m still here thankfully, on my bike with the rickety wheel. PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT EXERCISE. 1. How would you describe your work life balance? Day 227 of Des McCabe's Personal Development Exercises
OUTLOOK It’s just so great to sit here and not have to think about work, or all the tasks I need to do. There are still there of course, but in these moments there is nothing to do. There is no clamour, no burden no pressure and no stress. In these moments, I can just sit here in a gentle way, looking in a different way, in a different direction. PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT EXERCISE. 1. What is your outlook on life at the moment? Day 216 of Des McCabe's Personal Development Exercises
PROBATION PERIOD We’ve only been here for a few days, but it feels like months. I feel like we are now well settled in this place. We’ve been in this house for a few years, but it seems like a lifetime. I feel like we are now well settled in the area. Although I’ve been around for fifty years or so, it all seems like yesterday. I feel like I’m only just settling into my life. I’m just starting to feel comfortable with what is going on, and who I am. I feel like I’m beginning to settle into my life. PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT EXERCISE 1. How well are you settling into your life? 2. What areas are you comfortable with? 3. What areas are you not totally at ease with yet? Day 198 of Des McCabe's Personal Development Exercises
STRESS MANAGEMENT When I get overwhelmed, thinking about all that I have to do, I now stop and smile. You see I’ve learned, that although it all seems so important now, it will be different next week. I step back and smile. I decide to do what I can, go with the flow, and just be happy in myself. PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT EXERCISE 1. When do you tend to feel overwhelmed? 2. What will it all look like next week? Day 191 of Des McCabe's Personal Development Exercises
HOUSE PARTY My mind is buzzing. My brain is creating. My ego is expanding. My conscience is questioning. My heart is beating. My soul is too quiet. My self is in doubt. My body is restless. There’s a lot going on in the house today. PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT EXERCISE 1. What's happening in your house today? 2. How are your eight friends - your mind, your brain, your ego, your conscience, your heart, your soul, your self and your body? Day 172 of Des McCabe's Personal Development Exercises
HOLIDAY My mind is busy running over all of the current activities. It’s as if I’m living in them rather than just completing them and moving on. I seem to want to hold it all in my head and replay the elements over and over again. Where I did well or where I messed up. I shift down a gear and leave all the daily activity to one side. Travelling slower, I can plan and organise. There is more space for thinking here. It is quieter. And then I go even slower and bring the car to a halt. Leaving all thinking behind. Sitting quietly by the shore and looking out to sea. PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT EXERCISE 1. Are you holding anything in your head to replay over and over again? 2. When is your next 'holiday' moment - when you can sit quietly and look out to sea....? Day 150 of Des McCabe's Personal Development Exercises
STARTER We mess up. We learn. We start again. We got it wrong. We think about it. We start again. We let others down. We are disappointed. We start again. We failed to deliver. We are annoyed. We start again. We got caught out. We are embarrassed. We start again. We missed the opportunity. We are frustrated. We start again. We see it fall apart. We are devastated. We start again. PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT EXERCISE 1. Is there anything that you need to forgive yourself for? You can start again. 2. Is there anything that you need to forgive others for? You can start again. It's never too late. Be the starter! Day 138 of Des McCabe's Personal Development Exercises
OPERATIONS MANUAL Today I’m going to be a bit radical. I’m going to break my rules. I’m going to do things differently. I’m not going to follow my normal routine. Today will take on a life and a process and a perfect purpose of its own. Whatever happens, happens. If it feels right, I’ll do it. Today I’m going to trust in the deeper part of myself, the one that is so often trapped or locked away. Today will see a different me. I’m re-writing my Operations Manual. Looking at the sky, walking somewhere different, just smiling and loving being with myself. PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT EXERCISE 1. Write the contents page of your personal Operations Manual. 2. Now write the Introduction as if you were talking to yourself. Day 120 of Des McCabe's Personal Development Exercises
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