600 Personal Development Exercises
do one a day - every day!
WAXWORKS We can pour jelly or Jell-O into a mould, to create any shape that we want. If we don’t, it will all just set in the bowl. We can pour candlewax into a mould, to create any shape that we want. We can make beautiful, scented candles. We can pour ourselves into a mould, to create anything that we want. We just need to decide what our mould is. PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT EXERCISE. 1. What does your mould look like? 2. What are you pouring your heart and soul into? Day 314 of Des McCabe's Personal Development Exercises
SELFIE Do Something Every Day for yourself. Do something to harvest what you’ve learned. Do something to capture your learning in words. Do something to share your experience. Do something to help others you meet. Before you get captured by emails, social media, and the demands of others. Before the day disappears, into more of the same. Before you run out of energy, and out of time. Do Something Every Day for yourself. For how else will you use the skills you’ve been given? For how else will you make things better for others? For how else will you leave your mark? For how else will you make the world a better place? Do Something Every Day. Put yourself first. Do a selfie every day. PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT EXERCISE. 1. What will you do today to harvest and share your experience? Day 313 of Des McCabe's Personal Development Exercises
HEADS OR TAILS? There is no success and there is no failure. There is only the outcome that is here with us now. There is no past and there is no future. There is only the process that is here with us now. There is no other and there is no self. There is only the one that is here with us now. PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT EXERCISE. 1. What does success and failure mean to you? 2. What does your past and your future say to you? Day 312 of Des McCabe's Personal Development Exercises
SWEEPING It’s so challenging when the life you imagined for yourself, is not the one being played out by you, in real time. It’s so difficult when you see, your plans can no longer happen, and your stories of self, are not what you dreamt of. But there is no failure here. It’s just the sweeping of the path. It’s the uncovering of your real self. PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT EXERCISE. 1. What sweeping is happening in your life? 2. What is your real self starting to look like? Day 311 of Des McCabe's Personal Development Exercises
INSIGHT The most exciting part of my day, is here. Right now. PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT EXERCISE. 1. Why is this the most exciting part of your day? Day 310 of Des McCabe's Personal Development Exercises
ROUTE PLANNER Sometimes you see that the road you’re on, isn’t going where you want to go. You then have to decide to keep going in the wrong direction, or to create your own path. PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT EXERCISE. 1. What road are you on? 2. Where exactly are you going? 3. Could you create a path that meets your needs? Day 309 of Des McCabe's Personal Development Exercises
SHUFFLE I have spent years organising all of the cards that I have been given. just putting them into the correct order. And today it happened. I threw them all up into the air, and watched as they fell to the ground. Some cards landed facedown and others right side up. Some were on their own or had others beside, on top, or beneath them. I saw myself and all that I am laid out in a different way. I lifted the cards and slowly re-organised them. The order of the cards was no longer the same. Some of them, I no longer needed and others, I moved, to the top of the pack. All the same cards were now ready to give me different opportunities, to play a different game and to play in new ways. PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT EXERCISE. 1. What are your cards? 2. How might you reorganise them to play in new ways? Day 308 of Des McCabe's Personal Development Exercises
HUMAN RACE The wheels of generations turn, as older ones retreat, and new little ones join in. All is played out between us. The baton of love passes, gently and seamlessly. Yet it never leaves the giver, nor stays with the receiver. PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT EXERCISE. 1. What are you doing with the baton of love that has been entrusted to you? Day 307 of Des McCabe's Personal Development Exercises
CO-WORKERS Imagine that God is looking with your eyes, for he is. That is why you are here. To be the eyes of God in the world. Imagine that God is working with your hands, for he is. That is why you are here. To create and build a world of love. Imagine that God is speaking with your voice, for he is. That is why you are here. To bring a message of love to the world. PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT EXERCISE. 1. What are you seeing? 2. What are you building? 3. What is your message for the world? Day 306 of Des McCabe's Personal Development Exercises
COLLECTING MY THOUGHTS It’s like trying to capture snowflakes, in the wind. Different thoughts arrive together, and I grasp my pen. I’ve missed one. It’s melted and gone. PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT EXERCISE. 1. What thoughts can you collect right now? 2. What will you do with these? Day 305 of Des McCabe's Personal Development Exercises
LACK OF AMBITION I don’t need anything for I have you. I don’t need to go anywhere for I am here with you. I don’t need to be something for I am everything with you. I don’t need to search for I have found all with you. PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT EXERCISE. 1. What is your ambition? 2. How do we view those with no ambition? Day 304 of Des McCabe's Personal Development Exercises
PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT Personal development is not a valid concept. It implies that we can take ownership of ourselves, grow in our own right, learn new skills and become happy. Personal development is, in fact, the opposite of what it says. Our real potential for growth lies with, and among all others, and all that we encounter. Personal development is about how we contribute to the whole, and not what we keep for ourselves. For the whole, is greater than the sum of the parts. This is where our real value is. PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT EXERCISE. 1. What is your Personal Development strategy this year? Day 303 of Des McCabe's Personal Development Exercises
JOURNAL A new notebook. A new chapter. A new beginning. New thoughts. New words. New writing. A fresh start. A different path. A day in my life. An amazing journey. An unfolding story. An everlasting process. PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT EXERCISE. 1. Get a Journal. 2. Write in it every morning. Day 302 of Des McCabe's Personal Development Exercises
FUTURE PRESENT Let’s make the future. Now, here today. Let’s not wait or expect it to arrive sometime. Let’s act now, as if, the future is here. Let’s do what we should. Let's not allow excuses or experience, to stand in our way. Let’s make the future. Now, here today. PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT EXERCISE. 1. What does your future look like? 2. How can you make your future happen right now? Day 301 of Des McCabe's Personal Development Exercises
MONDAY MORNING Monday morning and time to set out my focus and plan, for this week. Lots of stuff as always, to be done in my daily routine. But my stuff is always there. And all of us has stuff to do. It’s what we think that really matters. What do we bring or what’s our added value? I can bring a positive spirit I can bring encouragement I can bring friendship I can bring help. I can also think about my journey and what all of my stuff is about. This is the real focus for my week ahead. Behind, within and above all of the stuff. PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT EXERCISE. 1. What stuff have you to do this week? 2. What's your focus behind, within and above all of your stuff. Day 300 of Des McCabe's Personal Development Exercises
FREELANCERS Some people pray to the Saints in heaven to intercede for them, and to help them. They believe that these holy people have a good place in heaven. They also have God’s ear. The prayers are usually calls for help with illness, or for situations that are causing stress or worry. And the prayers are not only for the person themselves, but often for those they love. But everyone who has died is in heaven, and has God’s ear. They are all waiting for you to ask for help. So, reach out to those you know who have died, Reach out to those who you don’t know, and ask for their help, too. For heaven is like a team of freelancers, all working together to help us. Heaven is packed with experience and wisdom. You see, the energy and interests, that we have in this life, continue to grow and flourish, in the next. So, what answers do you need? What help are you asking for? Who are you asking? PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT EXERCISE. 1. What Projects are you planning? 2. Who is on your team of Freelancers? Day 299 of Des McCabe's Personal Development Exercises
DAILY ROUTINE During lockdown one day can seem much the same as the next day. It may be helpful to create mini projects and activities, and not just daily to-do lists. So plan a two day project. Create a three day initiative. Set up a five day activity. In this way, we can move not from day to day, but from success to success. PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT EXERCISE. 1. What projects, initiatives and activities are you working on this week? Day 298 of Des McCabe's Personal Development Exercises
STRENGTH OF CHARACTER It is when we are at our weakest that love is at its strongest within us. It is when we are at our weakest that we can allow love to grow within us. It is when we are at our weakest that we experience love most powerfully. It is when we are at our weakest that love rescues us. It is when we are at our weakest that we are at our strongest. PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT EXERCISE. 1. When have you been at your weakest? 2. What happened to change this? Day 297 of Des McCabe's Personal Development Exercises
AGNOSTIC We can promote love without religion or belief. We can love others without religion or belief. We can help others without religion or belief. We can serve others without religion or belief. We can give all we have to those in need without religion or belief. We can promote goodness without religion or belief. We can do what is right without religion or belief. We can give a voice to those who have no say without religion or belief. We can be truthful without religion or belief. We can stand up for those who are down without religion or belief. We can be kind and gentle without religion or belief. We can do all of this each day without religion or belief. We can become love without religion or belief. We can be as one without religion or belief. PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT EXERCISE. 1. How can we all be as one? Day 296 of Des McCabe's Personal Development Exercises
VOCATIONAL TRAINING Jesus was a carpenter, a joiner as we say. This was his mission and his message. His vocation was the same as ours. To create and fix, and join us all together. PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT EXERCISE. 1. What is you vocation? 2. How are you also a joiner? Day 295 of Des McCabe's Personal Development Exercises
SPIRIT MERCHANT My Grandfather owned a Pub in Ireland. In his day, he was called a Spirit Merchant. When I helped behind the bar, he told me how we are all connected to love, through a Spirit of kindness, and a Spirit of joy. Through a Spirit of friendship, a Spirit of compassion, a Spirit of caring, a Spirit of humility, and a Spirit of resilience. Through a Spirit of helping, a Spirit of humanity, a Spirit of determination, a Spirit of gentleness, and a Spirit of gratitude. He smiled as he told me, that, in every moment, in every day, love is with each of us. For we are all working as Spirit Merchants. PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT EXERCISE. 1. Can you see behind your role or job title to what you really are, and what you really do? 2. What spirits do you serve as a Spirit Merchant? Day 294 of Des McCabe's Personal Development Exercises
PROPERTY MANAGEMENT If the sea was grass we could walk on water. If the world lost its gravity we could fly. Nothing is impossible If we change properties. PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT EXERCISE. 1. Describe the property that you would like to have. Day 293 of Des McCabe's Personal Development Exercises
CANDLELIGHT The first thing I do in the morning, when I come downstairs, is to light a candle. It sits beside me on a little coffee table, while I have a cup of tea. The candle is there, alight all day, as life goes on around it. And the last thing I do before I go to bed, is say thanks, and blow out the candle. PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT EXERCISE 1. What keeps you company throughout the day? 2. What is the last thing that you do before you go to bed? Day 292 of Des McCabe's Personal Development Exercises
SITTING ROOM I used to think of this time just sitting quietly, as taking a chunk out of my day when I had so much to do. Now I know that this time just sitting quietly, is the most important part of my day and is all I need to do. PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT EXERCISE 1. When are you going to sit quietly today? Day 291 of Des McCabe's Personal Development Exercises
SOLUBLE ASPIRIN We don’t die. There is in fact no major transformation. We continue onwards. We dissolve like soluble aspirin into our new world. We still are who we are. But now everything is clear. We are at last one with all those around us. All suffering and pain is gone. We are ready for everything. PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT EXERCISE 1. What are you getting ready for? Day 290 of Des McCabe's Personal Development Exercises
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