600 Personal Development Exercises
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ANNUAL RENEWAL I’m happy just sitting here, in the lobby of my New York City Hotel. Just chilling, with the laid-back mood music, in my New York City Hotel. It’s the first of January, and I’m getting ready in my New York City Hotel. A new year, and a fresh start begins from here, in my New York City Hotel. Thanks, have been said for all that has led me here, to my New York City Hotel. Resolutions and promises, will all unfold from here, in my New York City Hotel. I remember it all so clearly, a year ago, today, sitting in my New York City Hotel. PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT EXERCISE 1. What were you thinking about a year ago today? 2. What will you be thinking about a year ahead from now? Day 283 of Des McCabe's Personal Development Exercises TOAST On this New Year’s Eve I cast my mind back and remember all who are no longer here. I think of my Mum and my Dad. I remember my Granny, Aunts and Uncles. And I remember different times, different places and different scenarios. Each New Year’s Eve has been filled with thanks and joy, or with sorrow or relief that certain things have passed. And as we look forward tonight we will raise our glasses and our hearts, and wish each other happiness. Just like we did with you all on many a New Year’s Eve before. PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT EXERCISE 1. Who will you remember on this New Year's Eve? Day 282 of Des McCabe's Personal Development Exercises
REPOSITIONING We can get stuck in cumulative thinking. We keep thinking ‘what’s next?” We move forward step by step, based on what we have done before. This is called cumulative thinking. But the New Year is a chance for us to reposition where we are. In other words, we can step outside of this cumulative process. We can find a better or a happier way. So, move outside of your cumulative process. Start from this moment. Start afresh from now. Imagine this is the first day of your new life and plan to go where you should be. What has gone before no longer matters. You do not have to behave as you’ve always done. You do not have to carry the past with you. You have a chance to reposition everything. This New Year is much more than the charting of a new path. It’s also a mind shift. It’s freeing up your thinking and allowing yourself to start again. PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT EXERCISE 1. Can you see how you might be in the cumlulative thinking process? 2. How might you completerly reposition your life? Day 280 of Des McCabe's Personal Development Exercises
EXTRA TIME Some describe this week as extra time or overtime. It’s the space between Christmas Day and New Year’s Day. It’s a week like no other in the year. Between the end and the beginning. We’ve had the busyness in the build up to Christmas, and soon we will be back to ordinary life at the start of January. But before then, there’s a space for us, for the world is busy in its own places. This is our week to step back, rest, reflect, rethink, reorganise, refocus, restructure and regain a sense of all that is important to us. And to use this extra time to guide the next part of our journey. PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT EXERCISE 1. How will you use your 'extra time' this year? 2. Where will you find a space for yourself? Day 277 of Des McCabe's Personal Development Exercises
CHRISTMAS DAY The message of Christmas Day is to go beyond everything that we think we know and trust in a place that we have never been, and a life we have never seen. Just like the new born baby in Bethlehem. PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT EXERCISE 1. What message will you take from this Christmas Day? Day 276 of Des McCabe's Personal Development Exercises
GUARANTEED DELIVERY This exercise is for those waiting for Santa tonight. It’s a busy time for him and his team. Can you name Santa's ten Reindeer? There’s Dasher and Dancer. Prancer and Vixen. Comet and Cupid. Donner and Blitzen. Ok, that eight! Rudolph is number nine and and perhaps the most famous because of the song about his red nose! And then, of course, there's Olive, ‘the other reindeer’ (just sing Rudolf’s song!). PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT EXERCISE 1. What was the best gift that Santa brought you? 2. How would you desctibe that Christmas Eve feeling? Day 275 of Des McCabe's Personal Development Exercises
CHRISTMAS GIFTS I have received the gift of understanding, the gift of knowledge, the gift of truth, the gift of insight, the gift of time, the gift of places, the gift of serving, the gift of writing, the gift of purpose, the gift of others, the gift of friendship, the gift of support, the gift of love, and the gift of being with you. But more than these, I have been given the gift of how to use these gifts. And the daily help to do so. You see these are not momentary gifts. They are lifelong gifts that grow and produce outcomes. They are the blessings and architecture of a life I could never imagine. And all of these are poured out for me every single day. PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT EXERCISE 1. What gifts have you been given? 2. How will you use these today? Day 274 of Des McCabe's Personal Development Exercises
REVISED CHRISTMAS SCHEDULE Covid is trying to force the cancellation of Christmas this year. Locked in, our loved ones are feeling lost and uneasy. The time for family and friends has been slapped down. There is a different rulebook on what we can or should do. But Christmas is safe within each one of us. No matter what happens, we can link up and be with each other. Let’s schedule our daily phone calls to catch up and chat. Let’s send our texts randomly and often. Let’s plan Zoom chats for games, quizzes and present opening. For Santa is coming as planned. Let’s watch our TV shows and films as usual. Let’s set up the laptop beside the TV and bring all of us together. Let's also take a moment to remember those who have died. Let's reach out to those missing loved ones and those struggling with isolation. For we can expand our get-togethers this year, not restrict them. Let's use WhatsApp, FaceTime or Skype to include more people than ever before. Let’s have big bubbles and little bubbles everywhere! Let’s encourage and bring cheer to others. Let’s celebrate all of Christmas this year. So, let’s plan our revised schedule now with who, and what and when. Let's send out our invites to our loved ones. And let's include others with a very deliberate act of Christmas kindness. And let us look forward this Christmas with moments of love and hope. For we know, as always, there are babies soon to be born all over the world. PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT EXERCISE 1. Plan an amazing Christmas schedule. 2. Who, what and when - get your invites out! Day 270 of Des McCabe's Personal Development Exercises
CHRISTMAS SHOPPING What gift will you be bringing the baby Jesus, this year? PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT EXERCISE 1. Who, and what, is on your shopping list this year? Day 267 of Des McCabe's Personal Development Exercises
INHERITING A HOUSE When I was young we had a Christmas crib that stood on a little table in our hall. We all passed it coming in and going out of the house. There was a orange light that went into the back. The crib lit up the hall from within. The little bed of hay in the centre of the scene, stayed empty until Christmas Eve. We switched on the light every morning. Mary, Joseph and the Shepherds were waiting. We never have the three kings. Fifty years on and we still have the same crib. It's in a new setting with new young people. We all pass it coming in and going out of the house. The little bed of hay is there. Mary, Joseph and the Shepherds are waiting. PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT EXERCISE 1. What treasure have you inherited form your parents? 2. What will you pass on to your children? Day 257 of Des McCabe's Personal Development Exercises
CHRISTMAS PRESENT You have the greatest life. Beyond all imagination. Beyond all thankfulness. You have been given the grace to see that this life is not measured by what you have or have not, or how easy or difficult your situation is. You have the greatest gift. Connected to Love. Connected to eternity. You have been given the grace to see that this life is totally amazing. Blessed and sacred. No matter what has happened, or is yet to occur. You have the greatest life. Beyond all imagination. Beyond all thankfulness. PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT EXERCISE 1. Our life is the greatest Christmas present. How big is your imagining for your future? How big is your thankfulness? Day 255 of Des McCabe's Personal Development Exercises
WINDOWS When others talk about Windows, I remember the little tabs on my childhood advent calendar. And behind each number was a Christmas picture or a piece of chocolate! We counted down from the first of December to Christmas Eve, one little window at a time. PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT EXERCISE 1. How might you rediscover the magic of Christmas? 2. Who could you give an advent calendar to this year? Day 252 of Des McCabe's Personal Development Exercises
BLACK FRIDAY They’re going to be scratching their heads even more this year. Wondering what to get the Old Man for Christmas. Amazon will have more clicks and cash than it could ever have imagined. Black Friday is becoming Black Christmas. So perhaps I’ll adopt a different approach, and take the pressure off those determined to buy me something. This year. I’ll say exactly what I would like. There are millions of people and thousands of groups struggling in the present situation. There is no normal Christmas this year. So, I would love it, if you could make a small donation to those doing good work or help a local cause on my behalf. However, if you really want to do the online Christmas shopping experience, then why not send a surprise toy to a young family, a gift to an older person or a food delivery to a local food bank. We can spend our way from now to a Black Christmas or we can empower each other and create a Kinder Christmas. PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT EXERCISE 1. What would you like for Christmas? Day 243 of Des McCabe's Personal Development Exercises
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