600 Personal Development Exercises
do one a day - every day!
DESOLATION Yesterday I beat myself up repeatedly. It was a vicious onslaught. I just lay helpless as the blows landed. Today I survey the prize-fighter, sitting quietly, after the night before, bruised and serene. I’ve seen it all before but yesterday’s fight laid bare how desolate I really am, and how precious today is. PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT QUESTIONS 1. Do you ever beat yourself up? 2. What might you do to be kinder to yourself? 3. How might you celebrate how precious this day is for you? Day 587 of Des McCabe's Personal Development Exercises
BENEATH THE BLANKET Subconscious sitting is when we slip beneath the blanket of thinking, where there is nothing. We sit and wait unexpectedly. Just sit beneath the blanket of thinking and wait. PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT QUESTIONS 1. Sit quietly and slip beneath the blanket of thinking. 2. Can you sit and wait for nothing to happen – and be content? 3. When will you repeat this process? Day 586 of Des McCabe's Personal Development Exercises
DAILY BREAD My brain is fresh this morning. Like early morning bread. Straight from the oven. This is my daily bread. To take and eat. Fresh every morning within me. PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT QUESTIONS 1. How is your brain first thing in the morning? 2. What sustains your thinking and focus each day? Day 585 of Des McCabe's Personal Development Exercises
MARRIAGE GUIDANCE The secret of making a marriage work we’re told, is ‘not to see too much of each other and to live independent lives, with each other. The thing is not to try and do everything together, or to lose all that brought you together in the first place. Marriage should bring something additional and still enable each of you to become more as you grow with each other’. PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT QUESTIONS 1. What do you think of this piece of marriage guidance advice? 2. What’s your secret for making a marriage work? Day 584 of Des McCabe's Personal Development Exercises
COACHING SKILLS I work as a coach and mentor, as a licensing or strategy person, helping others to build their business and develop their purpose. But the reality is that my colleagues are helping and inspiring me, with their drive, their expertise and their friendship. PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT QUESTIONS 1. What did you learn today (or this week), from the people you are working with? 2. How do the people you work with help and/or encourage you? Day 583 of Des McCabe's Personal Development Exercises
PROPHECY The chair is empty. The desk is clear. The computer is closed. There is silence now. What was started has now finished. Incomplete, unsatisfactory, unfulfilled and unread. The greatest of plans. The biggest of hopes. The widest of ambition. Have all come to nothing. And this is how it is. And how it should be. For all else is vanity. All else is foolish. To see the future is a gift of prophecy, and to accept the present is a gift of love. PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT QUESTIONS 1. What will your office be like when you close the door for the last time? 2. What will be left unfinished? 3. How do you feel about this? Day 582 of Des McCabe's Personal Development Exercises
NEW WAY We have taken the wrong path. We’ve gone off in the wrong direction. We are making the wrong decisions. We are going the wrong way. The evidence is all around us in our lives and in our world. And yet we keep going as if we have to keep moving in this direction and continue making the same mistakes. It’s time to take a different path, go in a new direction, make decisions based on love and find a new way. PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT QUESTIONS 1. Are there any areas of your life, work, or relationships where you have gone off track? 2. How might you use a different compass to find a better way forward? 3. Is yours a compass of service, or forgiveness, or gratitude, or kindness, or love? Day 581 of Des McCabe's Personal Development Exercises
THE RED CAR The red car is gone. It was started by you and driven by three generations. The red car is gone, just like that. It is no longer in our lives. PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT QUESTIONS 1. Is there anything that has been in your family for more than a generation? 2. Has (or will) anything be passed on to you? 3. What will you pass on to the next generation? Day 580 of Des McCabe's Personal Development Exercises
MEMORY I attended a memory service last night in a church beside the old family graveyard I knew in my youth. I thought I would be on my own, in the busy congregation but one by one, I saw all those I knew. They were all there. But they were different. All previous angst, sorrow and resentment had gone. They were all transformed. They reached out to me with love, joy and laughter. It should always have been like this, but other things got in the way. PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT QUESTIONS 1. How do you remember family and friends who have died? 2. What is the one event that you would like to re-write with love, joy and laughter? Day 579 of Des McCabe's Personal Development Exercises
TRIBUTE I met Celine Dion tonight. I sat chatting with her in her dressing room, before she went on stage. Celine was in fact Leanne Love, a tribute act from Shropshire. She began singing as Celine when she was nine years old. Everything about Leanne aligned to her other person. She said that ‘All of us have someone that we imitate. We may not know it, or see it, but deep within us is that role, belonging to another, that can set us free.’ PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT QUESTIONS 1. If you had to own up, who are you a Tribute act for? 2. Who do you imitate the most? 3. Have you found the right person yet the who can set you free? Day 578 of Des McCabe's Personal Development Exercises
ARTIFICIAL LIGHT My decorator Mick tells me that ‘it’s easier to see with the lights off. The artificial light causes a glare and it’s hard to see where I am or what I have yet to do.’ We all need real light to see where we are And what we have yet to do. PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT QUESTIONS 1. What progress have you made on your priorities? 2. What still needs to be done? 3. How might you view all of this in a different light? Day 577 of Des McCabe's Personal Development Exercises
GO To avoid cumulative thinking restart your life. Begin a new phase. Reframe what you are doing, Reposition who you are. Have new objectives. Create a plan. Set some timescales. Put the past in a box. Fill your energy tank. Be determined. Focus on the next you. Move on in a new way, Grasp every moment. Go, and go again, and Go as often as you can. PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT QUESTIONS 1. Pick three ways and detail these now. Day 576 of Des McCabe's Personal Development Exercises
TESTIMONIAL It’s hard to read the label when you’re inside the bottle…. I need someone outside the bottle to tell me what they see That is one of the things you do for me. And for all those you work with. You help those like me who are stuck inside their bottle. PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT QUESTIONS 1. If you could get out of your bottle what would you see written on the label? 2. As your own mentor, what would you say to yourself? 3. What then would you recommend as an action plan? Day 575 of Des McCabe's Personal Development Exercises
UPSIDE-DOWN TRIANGLE The logical extension of our upside-down triangle is that everybody in the world is part of our personal community. PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT QUESTIONS 1. Who in the world would you like to help or support or work with? 2. How can you build an upside network of connections to reach up and make this happen? 3. What does your community look like now – and this time next year? Day 574 of Des McCabe's Personal Development Exercises
GROWN UP The young tree sways gently in the breeze. Behind it the wooden fence stands solid and secure, protecting the little tree. We all have a role to play when we grow up. PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT QUESTIONS 1. Who are you looking after today? 2. Who else might need your help, support, or advice at the moment? Day 573 of Des McCabe's Personal Development Exercises
POINTS OF COMPLETION Life is not one continuous process. It is a series of overlapping phases that map out all that we do. Each of these phases are marked by a point of completion, a realisation that we have now gone beyond this. That was a different time. That was a different me. Where are the points of completion in your life? Of course, nothing is ever finished until it’s really over, but there are stages or steps or points that we all pass through that mark the completion of that earlier time. And sometimes it is only when we go back there, when we revisit, when something happens, that brings the past to life again, It is then we realise that this was a point of completion. That phase is over. We are now in a different place. PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT QUESTIONS 1. What are the main points of completion in your life? 2. When do you think the next one will be? Day 572 of Des McCabe's Personal Development Exercises
VOCATION It is beyond your work and all you do. It is behind who you are. For before you were born, you were chosen for everlasting life. For now is your work and all you do. To be who you truly are. You can see you were born, and you were chosen for everlasting life. This changes your work and all you do. So, search for who you are. You know you were born, and you were chosen, for everlasting life. PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT QUESTIONS 1. What is your life’s work? 2. At a deeply personal level, what do you know about yourself? 3. Why have you been chosen? Day 571 of Des McCabe's Personal Development Exercises
BACK AND FORWARD There are two movements required to sharpen our saw. Pulling back and doing less of what we shouldn’t do, and pushing forward with more of what we should do. PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT QUESTIONS 1. What do you need to do less of? 2. What do you need to do more of? 3. What are you making with your saw? Day 570 of Des McCabe's Personal Development Exercises
RESERVED SEATS It was packed on our 10am train this morning. I ended up at a table seat. The final place was politely requested by a scruffy looking guy who clearly was a bit the worse for wear. He was too chatty for the middle class group he joined. When he took out a can of beer, you could hear the comments in people’s heads. ‘I’m going to a mate’s funeral so it’s going to be a tough day. You don’t mind?’ he gently asked. I’m not sure the voices believed him. The train stopped at the next station and as more people got on, he offered his seat to a little girl who was sitting on the floor beside her Mum. The mother ignored his offer. My man took a call on his phone to confirm what time he would be at the funeral. He opened another can as we pulled into the next station. He offered his seat to a dad with kids who said ‘I’m getting off at the next stop. Thank you though. Top man!’ My man rolled a cigarette from a packet that stated that ‘smoking can cause throat cancer’. A young woman and her friend arrived and claimed their reserved seats opposite me. My man graciously packed up his battered laptop and left without a farewell. The ‘two husbands’ then arrived. They insisted that I stay in my seat. Then all four of them opened their cans. PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT QUESTIONS 1. What’s they key message in this story for you? 2. Why must we give up our seat? Day 569 of Des McCabe's Personal Development Exercises
ENOUGH SAID I have been given more than enough, more than I could expect. If no more comes, I already have had more than I could ever hope for. I have been given what is unimaginable, and yet real. I have been given more than enough. Thank you. PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT QUESTIONS 1. What is enough for you? 2. Have you been given enough? 3. What do you still need? Day 568 of Des McCabe's Personal Development Exercises
DOG BLANKET The dogs run to their blanket and settle down after their walk. They will always go to sit on the blanket, wherever it is in the house. They have learned that this is their place, where they belong. And so, they ignore all else around them, and stay on their blanket. We too live on our blanket and miss all that is around us. But unlike the dogs, there is no-one to tell us to sit, but ourselves. PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT QUESTIONS 1. 2. 3. Day 567 of Des McCabe's Personal Development Exercises
LIGHT SWITCH The world tells us that we are powerless to change anything, to make an impact or to shift things for the better. For we are just one trapped in the darkness. And yet, we have all the power and resources that we need, to make things better and make right what is wrong. For we are the one who can switch on the light. PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT QUESTIONS 1. What change would you like to see in our world? 2. Where is your light switch (your starting point)? 3. What will you see when you decide to switch on the light? Day 566 of Des McCabe's Personal Development Exercises
HONOUR THY MOTHER AND FATHER I want to say thank you to you both this morning. Your love, guidance and sacrifices made this moment. I come here and honour you. For without you none of this would be possible. And you would love all that is happening now, with your grandchildren and your great grandchildren. And with me. For without you none of this would be unfolding. And I ask you for help once again, like I have always done. So that we can finish this piece that you started. For without you I cannot be complete. PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT QUESTIONS 1. What do you thank your parents for? 2. What is it that you are trying to complete? 3. What advice would your parents give you, right now? Day 565 of Des McCabe's Personal Development Exercises
BEST JOB When I was in altar boy I would light the candles on the altar before mass. And then, blow them out afterwards. This was one of the best jobs! Now that I’m older I light the candle on the table each morning. And then, blow it out before bed. This is still the best job. PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT QUESTIONS 1. What is the best job that you have each day? 2. How do you start and end each day that you are given? Day 564 of Des McCabe's Personal Development Exercises
SKILLS SHORTAGES ‘There’s was a druggie in MacDonalds who had thrown up over himself. He was totally out of it. Really disgusting. Police should have come and locked him up.’ This was the greeting from Andy who had arrived early, to finish off a plastering job in my kitchen. He could see from my lack of response that I didn’t necessarily agree. ‘What if we created an environment where we could help people to recover? Punishment only makes us feel better. It doesn’t necessarily change the behaviour or help people to build a different future. I think that we, as a society need to create a different way forward.’ I suggested. ‘Like what, give me an alternative.’ said Andy. ‘Look after the person. Take away the drugs. Find out what they are good at. Help them to find meaningful work and to see a different way forward. Enable them to help others. The cost / benefit analysis in financial terms is better than building and staffing more prisons.’ Andy laughed ‘Makes sense, we need more plasterers.’ PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT QUESTIONS 1. How do you think we should address the drugs problem? 2. How do you personally respond when you meet someone who is struggling? Day 563 of Des McCabe's Personal Development Exercises
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