600 Personal Development Exercises
do one a day - every day!
INCLUSIVE PARTICIPATION Jenny, a food scientist has been working for a major consultancy, training a group of women in Dubai on how to build a local food business. Jenny’s passion though was to help women in Kenya to build their food businesses. She was trying to link her priorities, and make it work financially. Jenny knew she could sell her courses to the wealthy Dubai women, and then use the money to train the poorer women in Kenya. That would be a traditional ‘charity’ model, where we earn our money and then give it (or use it), to help those who are less well off. Jenny took a different approach however, and ran only one course. On that course, she brought the women from Dubai and Kenya, to work together. One group paid and one group didn’t. But they all learned how to build their local food businesses together. The women shared stories of cultural difference, and built relationships that not only spanned continents, but were the beginnings of global businesses. This is different to the typical charity model where 'donors' and 'recipients' do not meet and are separated by an intermediary organisation. This is inclusive participation. One woman, one course, one group of women, one world and one amazing inclusion initiative from Jenny. PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT EXERCISE 1. What inclusive participation initiative could you create with your skills, experience and expertise? What is your passion? 2. What help would you like to make this happen? Who could help you? Day 463 of Des McCabe's Personal Development Exercises WISHFUL THINKING We can change the world and help others with our positive ideas and our kind thoughts. This is more than wishful thinking. For Quantum Physics tells us, that every single thought that we have, influences everything else in the universe, simultaneously. And so, What are you thinking about, today? What are you wishing for, every day? What would you like to see happen, now? PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT EXERCISE 1. What is the most important thinking that you can do? 2. How will you develop the daily habit of Wishful Thinking? Day 462 of Des McCabe's Personal Development Exercises POTHOLES I remember the time when I let down a close friend, when I should have done more, when I should have been there. The memory stays with me like a pothole in the road, that I drive over now and then. It jogs my regret. For George, the fact that I wasn’t there or didn’t help may not have been a big deal. And then, it might have been. He is no longer here, and so, there’s nothing to say now. But for me, the sadness remains like a pothole in the road. PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT EXERCISE 1. Have you got a pothole on your road? 2. It's time to forgive yourself. It's time to see that the road has been mended. Day 461 of Des McCabe's Personal Development Exercises CHILD-CENTRED EDUCATION Over the last twelve months, many children have struggled not only academically, but also in terms of their overall wellbeing, Some schools seem powerless to address this need, whilst others see these coming months as a unique opportunity. I am heartened by the example of our local school, which has brought back a group of 14 year-olds who have 'fallen behind'. Over the next six weeks, the teachers will be working with pupils, (individually and in groups), to improve their Maths and English The aim is to support the whole person, help each child to catch-up, and for them to be ready for the start of the new academic year. This is a chilled-out Summer Club with Pizza! Personal confidence and team spirit are enhanced as much as curriculum skills. This initiative, with its positive and empowering child-centred approach, offers real help and support to those children who need it most. PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT EXERCISE 1. What help and support could we offer to Parents or Teachers or Young People? 2. What initiative could we design or support? 3. How can we be creative - and use our skilsl to assist those young people whon need help most? Day 460 of Des McCabe's Personal Development Exercises DUVET Our life is meant to be an ongoing conversation with love. It’s the seamless, constant and eternal fabric of who we are. For we are love, part of love and with love in everything. However, the noise and relentless busyness and activities of life smother this conversation. It’s like a duvet has been placed over our speaker and we hear only a muffled sound. So let’s go beneath the duvet of the world, and be in our silence, whenever we can. For here the conversation continues, as we explore, ask, learn, develop, grow, listen and become.... all, in this space. PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT EXERCISE 1. As you snuggle down at night, be grateful for these priceless monemts as you drift into sleep - for this is your place of peace and love. 2. When you waken up each morning say hello to love - just to remind yourself who you are - and where the real conversation is.... Day 459 of Des McCabe's Personal Development Exercises ODD MAN OUT Where do men go to talk? Where do men go for friendship and support? Where do men go with their worries and fears? Where do men go to share their skills? Where do men go to find a place of acceptance? Where do men go to build their future? Where do men go to make a difference? Where do men go when they are on their own? Where do men go these days? PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT EXERCISE 1. How might your organization or workplace offer greater development opportunities and support for men? Day 458 of Des McCabe's Personal Development Exercises THE SHAPE OF THINGS TO COME Many of us feel that we are not fully in control of lives. We slip from day to day, event to event, dealing with what comes, or what happens next. Many of us have never been trained on exactly how we can take control of our lives. And this is a critical issue, for personal effectiveness is directly linked to our happiness. We can change this from today, by implementing a daily system of ritual, routine and priority activities. We can create this daily system piece by piece, starting with an early morning routine (to take ownership of the day), and then building our own scaffolding of purposeful reading, writing in our journal, walking, reflection, exercise, projects that are important to us, silence, prayer or affirmations. This is all about personal ownership. It is taking control of our time, our thoughts, the messages we tell ourselves (and tell others), our skills, our experience, our hopes and our potential. It is this personal daily system of ritual, routine and priority activities, that enables us to shape our day. For this in turn is what shapes us, and who we are. PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT EXERCISE 1. How might you develop or improve your Daily System for Personal Effectiveness? 2. What is your Morning Routine that enables you to take control of your day? 3. Can these Personal Development Exercises becomes a part of your Daily System? Day 457 of Des McCabe's Personal Development Exercises ONE DAY, TWO STRATEGIES Some say 'Carpe Diem'. Seize the day. Make this day work for you. But others say 'Amitte Diem'. Let go of the day. Let this day be what it is. Whichever you say all is okay. Carpe Diem. Amitte Diem. Choose today. PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT EXERCISE 1. Which strategy will you use for the rest of your day? 2. When should you 'seize the day' and when should you 'let go of the day'? Day 456 of Des McCabe's Personal Development Exercises SOFTWARE OF OUR SOUL All of our life is a prayer. A prayer of gratitude. A prayer for forgiveness. A prayer of hope. A prayer for humility. A prayer of trust. A prayer for peace. A prayer of love. A prayer for gentleness. A prayer for kindness. A prayer for compassion. A prayer for all of us who can, and those who can’t. A prayer for those who need us. A prayer for all of us. A prayer for you, and me. Prayer is not a bolt-on, or an option for those who understand religion. Prayer is the software of our soul, connecting us all, to everyone and everything, forever and ever. Amen. PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT EXERCISE 1. What connects you to everyone and everything? 2. Have you uploaded the latest version of Prayer or are you still operating on an outdated version? Day 455 of Des McCabe's Personal Development Exercise STRAPLINE What is your strapline? How do you position yourself for the world? What exactly are you working for? What is the clear message that you give to others who ask ‘what do you do?’ Do you talk about your current job or who you really are? Perhaps you are Building … Working to … Helping to … Dedicated to … Passionate about … Committed to … Changing the. .. What is your message for the world? Why exactly are you here? Can you summarize right now, all that you are, in six to ten words? For this is the phrase that people remember, when they think about you. Go now! Write down your strapline. PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT EXERCISE 1. What is your personal Strapline? 2. How might this influence and impact the way that you live and work? Day 454 of Des McCabe's Personal Development Exercise FATHER'S NIGHT When I was fifteen, I remember lying on the floor, in our front room, in the dark, listening to music with only the light of our electric fire. My Dad came in and couldn’t believe I was lying in the dark. Showing his exasperation, he said ‘What are you doing?’ And he left without an answer. Tonight, I’m sitting in the garden listening to the gentle rain, in the dark, with a just a beer and some solar lights to guide me. It’s Father’s Day and I can hear him laughing, ‘What are you doing sitting in the rain? He doesn’t need an answer. And he stays... PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT EXERCISE 1. What will you say to your Dad this evening? Day 453 of Des McCabe's Personal Development Exercises ANSWERS WITHOUT QUESTIONS Have you noticed how if we keep asking ourselves the same questions, we keep getting variations of the same answer, sometimes packaged as ‘new ideas’. After a while we come to see, that we’re asking the wrong questions, and then we gently realise, that there are in fact, no questions to ask, only answers to be received. PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT EXERCISE 1. What answer would come if you sat, and never asked a question? Day 452 of Des McCabe's Personal Development Exercises MY WAY You will find the path to your inner self. Others can make suggestions but only you know what is real. It’s not in any pre-packaged structure or methodology, for you are your own solution and will find your own way. St Ignatius of Loyola famously said ‘just do what works’. And Frank Sinatra sang about ‘My Way’. So, keep asking or listening, looking or reading, being busy or sitting still, and uncover your inner self. PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT EXERCISE 1. Think about 'your way' and 'your path' to your inner self. What have you uncovered so far? 2. Start a conversation with yourself in your Journal and you will notice new thoughts every day. Day 451 of Des McCabe's Personal Development Exercises TRANSACTIONAL ANALYSIS It’s okay to be religious. It’s okay not to be religious. It’s okay to be spiritual, but not religious It’s okay to believe in God. It’s okay not to believe in God. It’s okay not to be sure, about God. You see ‘I’m okay, you’re okay’ means that we are all okay. We can be together, in our own way. PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT EXERCISE 1. How do you see others who have different views about Religion or God? 2. Are you open to friendly chats with others to explore our different understandings - or do you just ignore these topics? 3. How can you help us all to be 'okay'? Day 450 of Des McCabe's Personal Development Exercises
GIVING SOMETHING BACK Some think of giving something back in life, a bit like leaving a tip. It’s our way of recognising what we have received. But this suggests the end of the meal, rather than the launchpad of something special. You see giving back is our opportunity to build, to go again, to go different, and to do more of what still needs to be done. It’s our opportunity to harvest what we’ve learned, to re-package who we are, and to change right now, all that matters for us. Giving back is the hidden power of kindness, ready to explode through us, in ways we cannot imagine. So, do not wait until the end of the meal to say 'thank you'. Go now, go again, go different and give back all you can. PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT EXERCISE 1. How can you embed 'giving something back' into all that you are and all that you do? 2. Create your 'giving back' plan - and start making a bigger difference, from today! Day 449 of Des McCabe's Personal Development Exercises
THE JOURNEY OF REMINISCING It is only when we look back, years later, that we really see where we were at that time. It is only now, in this moment, that we can understand what happened back then. And we wonder, what if.....? PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT EXERCISE 1. What do you need to look back at? 2. What do you now understand that you didn't back then? Day 448 of Des McCabe's Personal Development Exercises
NEW DAY Every day is different. Every day is new. Rediscover the ordinary. Welcome what we take for granted. Celebrate with those you meet. Be open to filling all the spaces of this day, in a new way. For every day is different. PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT EXERCISE 1. What will you re-discover today? 2. Who will you welcome? 3. What will you celebrate? Day 447 of Des McCabe's Personal Development Exercises
THE GREATEST PRAYER The greatest prayer is in our silence where we have no words and no thoughts. Where nothing happens. So, sit and say nothing. Think of nothing, as best you can. And just be there with the love you are. For prayer is not about religion, nor any set of words. Prayer is the place of love within each of us. PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT EXERCISE 1. Sit in silence for 20 minutes. Sit and say nothing. Think of nothing, as best you can. And just be there with the love you are. Day 446 of Des McCabe's Personal Development Exercises
EQUALITY FOR STRAWBERRIES It’s time to give equality back to strawberries. You see, years ago we could just buy a punnet of strawberries. Now we have labelled our favourite summer fruit and separated former friends and family, into at least four categories. Those at their peak come with the highest price. Those in their later days get rapidly discounted, and have a reduced label plastered across their front. Those with disabilities are called ‘wonky’, as we highlight some perceived ‘imperfection’. And those who have less, become ‘essentials’ or own brand. I bought these four different packets of strawberries and emptied them into a bowl. They all looked fabulous together and tasted wonderful! PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT EXERCISE 1. Find and celebrate what might be seen as different or imperfect in all that you encounter today. Take a photo or write down what you see.... Day 445 of Des McCabe's Personal Development Exercises
BABY LOVE I marvel at the helplessness and trust of your little baby girl, who is totally dependent on you for everything. This is the same relationship that we all have with love. We too, live totally unaware of all that sustains us. PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT EXERCISE 1. Who is the one who looks after us? Day 444 of Des McCabe's Personal Development Exercises
APPRECIATION RATE When others show their appreciation for us, our energy is boosted and our relationship is strengthened. We go forward, together. Being taken for granted, on the other hand, takes away our energy, drains our enthusiasm and leaves us disappointed. We can all share and enjoy the gift of appreciation, in every conversation. Let's increase our Appreciation Rate and build a kinder world. PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT EXERCISE 1. Create three phrases of appreciation that you can use... e.g., I really appreciate your help, thanks John! 2. Resolve to use one of these phrases in every conversation. 3. What is your Appreciation Rate for today - in other words, what percentage of conversations include words of appreciation? Day 443 of Des McCabe's Personal Development Exercises
SOFT THINKING The frame of our thinking can be made of iron, holding all fixed and secure, difficult to move and keeping all else out. The frame of our thinking can be made of wool, holding all gently and moving with the wind, to greet all that comes. Sometimes our perceived strength is a real weakness, and our real growth may be in softness, flexibility and a different type of thinking. PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT EXERCISE 1. Is your thinking framed by iron or wool? 2. In what situations might you begin to think, interpret and respond in different ways? Day 442 of Des McCabe's Personal Development Exercises
COMMANDER-IN-CHIEF When I sit down at my desk in the morning, it’s like taking my seat at Mission Control. For this is no ordinary desk. It has a laptop that connects me to the world! I power up the machine and all is laid out before me. What shall we do today? PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT EXERCISE 1. How is your laptop at the heart of your Mission Control? 2. What is your Mission? 3. What shall you do today? Day 441 of Des McCabe's Personal Development Exercises
SELF-SCULPTURE Personal development, is about chipping away at the pieces we do not like, about ourselves. It’s about using a selection of tools, from heavy duty drills to fine chisels, as we get closer to what we might be. For deep inside our concrete exterior is our real self, looking to be freed. Our perfect ‘me’ is already within us, and so, we chip away. You see, personal development is not only about learning new skills, or adding more layers, to what we already are. Personal development is about chipping away to uncover what is already here, and to become what we really are. PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT EXERCISE 1. How is your Self-Sculpture coming along? 2. What tools are you using? What are your heavy duty drills and fine chisels? Day 440 of Des McCabe's Personal Development Exercises
CONSULTANCY SKILLS It’s sometimes hard to be a leader, to stand out and to stand alone. This is the primary role of a Consultant. To have a perspective and to lead. Our role is to challenge the value system, for how else can we give value for money? And how else will we enable others to make changes, that can make a difference? We will not always win the contract, for many do not want to listen, or change. At times, we are all called as Consultants, to stand out and to stand alone. PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT EXERCISE 1. When did you last take a stand or give a different opinion to others? 2. What are your core values? Write these down..... Day 439 of Des McCabe's Personal Development Exercises
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