600 Personal Development Exercises
do one a day - every day!
CHAMPAGNE CORKS The cork that was once securely set in a champagne bottle is now bobbing along in the sea, not fixed any more but floating with a new energy, a new life. The cork that is no longer needed has found a new place and a different way of living. It’s free now, floating with joy on the Sea of Love. The cork that we discarded now shows us the way, and how we too can have a different life. It’s time for us to ‘pop’ and set ourselves free. So, think not as a cork, but see instead the oceans of the world, the sky and universe above you and the lands you will journey to. It’s time to celebrate, to be filled with wonder, and to journey today, for you are no longer a cork but at the centre of everything. PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT QUESTIONS 1. What new life can you imagine? 2. What do you need to do to set yourself free of what is holding you back? Day 600 of Des McCabe's Personal Development Exercises
GOING AND COMING Coming back is always different to going, although it is the same route. For in the time between arriving and departing, we have changed. We arrive back to the place we started, but not as we were. No one can see any change as they welcome us back. But they look different to us. All is seen through a new lens, in the space, that is between going and coming. PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT QUESTIONS 1. What are you planning to return to? 2. Where do you need to go back to? 3. How have you changed since you were last there? Day 599 of Des McCabe's Personal Development Exercises
PRICE INCREASE There is a price that must be paid if we are to do what we should. There is a price that must be paid if we are to be ourselves. PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT QUESTIONS 1. What is the cost to you to be fully yourself? 2. What will you change? 3. How will others view the new/different you? 4. How will you know if this change is worth it? Day 598 of Des McCabe's Personal Development Exercises
SNOWBALL'S CHANCE Wednesday and Sunday nights were bingo nights for my Ma and her friends. ‘The snowball’s £60 for 58 balls. So, there’s a good chance it will go this week.’ Ma fastened her coat and checked her hair in the mirror. ‘I’ve got my lucky pen,’ she laughed, as she picked up her handbag and left. PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT QUESTIONS 1. What’s the ‘snowball of life’ that you are hoping to win? 2. How can you show up as your best self every time? 3. Who is accompanying you as you play? Day 597 of Des McCabe's Personal Development Exercises
PURPOSE Your core purpose is to promote the love that God is, especially to those who do not understand that God is love. That is all. PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT QUESTIONS 1. How are you promoting love in all that you do, in all that you say and in all that you are? 2. Do you accept that God is love or do you have a different definition? Day 596 of Des McCabe's Personal Development Exercises
JIGSAW Work on the bits that you have been given. For these are the pieces of your jigsaw. And they make the picture of what you are to become. And remember every piece counts. Every piece is as valuable as any other. For your picture needs all of your pieces in their place. PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT QUESTIONS 1. What does your complete jigsaw picture look like? 2. What pieces do you need to work on? Day 595 of Des McCabe's Personal Development Exercises
THE NOTHING COURSE Our new training program will change your life. It will reveal the hidden depths of who you really are, and offer you happiness and joy beyond your imagination. There is no cost for this program and you don’t need a book or a download or a login. To join, just sit in silence and free your mind from all of the noise in the world. Just sit and empty your brain of all the busyness that traps us. Thoughts will rush to fill this space but gently sit without thinking. Just be. For this is the nothing course. PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT QUESTIONS 1. Just sit without thinking. Day 594 of Des McCabe's Personal Development Exercises
THE GREAT SADNESS The great sadness comes upon me when I realise that you will no longer be here. And all that we shared will be gone forever. And all that we are will end. PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT QUESTIONS 1. How can we cherish and be joyful with all those we love today? 2. How can we continue to celebrate every moment that we have been given together? Day 593 of Des McCabe's Personal Development Exercises
GETTING THINGS DONE The relentless and frustrating chase to get everything done, eats away at our lives. But in the end, whatever is done, will be done. So, cherish this day and the wonders that it brings. Grasp what will be revealed and given to you, for it is priceless. Go with the flow, and let all flow to and from you. Do something every day and all will be done, as it is intended to be. PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT QUESTIONS 1. What was your one key success from yesterday? 2. What is your one key activity to do today? 3. What will be your one key to do tomorrow? Day 592 of Des McCabe's Personal Development Exercises
REALIGNMENT Realignment is a new start. It is not more of the same. It is not the continuation of what we were doing Realignment is a fresh start. It is a complete reframing. It is the repositioning of who we are and what we do PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT QUESTIONS 1. What does your fresh start look like? 2. How will you reposition all that you and all that you are? Day 591 of Des McCabe's Personal Development Exercises
SUBCONSCIOUS Each day is new. Each morning is different. The conversation flows through every part of my consciousness, without regard for expectations or boundaries. For the feeling arrives separately from the message. PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT QUESTIONS 1. What is your subconscious saying to you today? 2. How do you feel about this? 3. What is your response? Day 590 of Des McCabe's Personal Development Exercises
HARVESTING It is because you harvest what has been given to you. It is because you write every day. This is why you see life in a different way, for as it is played out before you, you seek to capture not just a passing moment, but a lifetime of treasure for everyone. And because you see the process, you break the activity down into the various learning steps, that others can remember. You then take these pieces and you re-shape and re-format them. You are presenting new perspectives, new models and new approaches that cannot be seen, for they are the fulfilment of the harvesting, re-positioning and re-presenting process. PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT QUESTIONS 1. Are you an onlooker or a harvester? 2. How can you capture all that you learn every day? Day 589 of Des McCabe's Personal Development Exercises
SMILE When is your first smile of the day? For when we smile everything inside is well, and everything outside is joy. So, let us not be miserable. Smiling helps us to live longer, by reducing stress and boosting our immune system. Our smile is contagious and will instantly lift the mood of others, Smiling creates a happier world! PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT QUESTIONS 1. Check out what happens what happens with neuropeptides, dopamine, serotonin, and endorphins when you smile. 2. When was your first smile today? Day 588 of Des McCabe's Personal Development Exercises
DESOLATION Yesterday I beat myself up repeatedly. It was a vicious onslaught. I just lay helpless as the blows landed. Today I survey the prize-fighter, sitting quietly, after the night before, bruised and serene. I’ve seen it all before but yesterday’s fight laid bare how desolate I really am, and how precious today is. PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT QUESTIONS 1. Do you ever beat yourself up? 2. What might you do to be kinder to yourself? 3. How might you celebrate how precious this day is for you? Day 587 of Des McCabe's Personal Development Exercises
BENEATH THE BLANKET Subconscious sitting is when we slip beneath the blanket of thinking, where there is nothing. We sit and wait unexpectedly. Just sit beneath the blanket of thinking and wait. PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT QUESTIONS 1. Sit quietly and slip beneath the blanket of thinking. 2. Can you sit and wait for nothing to happen – and be content? 3. When will you repeat this process? Day 586 of Des McCabe's Personal Development Exercises
DAILY BREAD My brain is fresh this morning. Like early morning bread. Straight from the oven. This is my daily bread. To take and eat. Fresh every morning within me. PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT QUESTIONS 1. How is your brain first thing in the morning? 2. What sustains your thinking and focus each day? Day 585 of Des McCabe's Personal Development Exercises
MARRIAGE GUIDANCE The secret of making a marriage work we’re told, is ‘not to see too much of each other and to live independent lives, with each other. The thing is not to try and do everything together, or to lose all that brought you together in the first place. Marriage should bring something additional and still enable each of you to become more as you grow with each other’. PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT QUESTIONS 1. What do you think of this piece of marriage guidance advice? 2. What’s your secret for making a marriage work? Day 584 of Des McCabe's Personal Development Exercises
COACHING SKILLS I work as a coach and mentor, as a licensing or strategy person, helping others to build their business and develop their purpose. But the reality is that my colleagues are helping and inspiring me, with their drive, their expertise and their friendship. PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT QUESTIONS 1. What did you learn today (or this week), from the people you are working with? 2. How do the people you work with help and/or encourage you? Day 583 of Des McCabe's Personal Development Exercises
PROPHECY The chair is empty. The desk is clear. The computer is closed. There is silence now. What was started has now finished. Incomplete, unsatisfactory, unfulfilled and unread. The greatest of plans. The biggest of hopes. The widest of ambition. Have all come to nothing. And this is how it is. And how it should be. For all else is vanity. All else is foolish. To see the future is a gift of prophecy, and to accept the present is a gift of love. PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT QUESTIONS 1. What will your office be like when you close the door for the last time? 2. What will be left unfinished? 3. How do you feel about this? Day 582 of Des McCabe's Personal Development Exercises
NEW WAY We have taken the wrong path. We’ve gone off in the wrong direction. We are making the wrong decisions. We are going the wrong way. The evidence is all around us in our lives and in our world. And yet we keep going as if we have to keep moving in this direction and continue making the same mistakes. It’s time to take a different path, go in a new direction, make decisions based on love and find a new way. PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT QUESTIONS 1. Are there any areas of your life, work, or relationships where you have gone off track? 2. How might you use a different compass to find a better way forward? 3. Is yours a compass of service, or forgiveness, or gratitude, or kindness, or love? Day 581 of Des McCabe's Personal Development Exercises
THE RED CAR The red car is gone. It was started by you and driven by three generations. The red car is gone, just like that. It is no longer in our lives. PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT QUESTIONS 1. Is there anything that has been in your family for more than a generation? 2. Has (or will) anything be passed on to you? 3. What will you pass on to the next generation? Day 580 of Des McCabe's Personal Development Exercises
MEMORY I attended a memory service last night in a church beside the old family graveyard I knew in my youth. I thought I would be on my own, in the busy congregation but one by one, I saw all those I knew. They were all there. But they were different. All previous angst, sorrow and resentment had gone. They were all transformed. They reached out to me with love, joy and laughter. It should always have been like this, but other things got in the way. PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT QUESTIONS 1. How do you remember family and friends who have died? 2. What is the one event that you would like to re-write with love, joy and laughter? Day 579 of Des McCabe's Personal Development Exercises
TRIBUTE I met Celine Dion tonight. I sat chatting with her in her dressing room, before she went on stage. Celine was in fact Leanne Love, a tribute act from Shropshire. She began singing as Celine when she was nine years old. Everything about Leanne aligned to her other person. She said that ‘All of us have someone that we imitate. We may not know it, or see it, but deep within us is that role, belonging to another, that can set us free.’ PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT QUESTIONS 1. If you had to own up, who are you a Tribute act for? 2. Who do you imitate the most? 3. Have you found the right person yet the who can set you free? Day 578 of Des McCabe's Personal Development Exercises
ARTIFICIAL LIGHT My decorator Mick tells me that ‘it’s easier to see with the lights off. The artificial light causes a glare and it’s hard to see where I am or what I have yet to do.’ We all need real light to see where we are And what we have yet to do. PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT QUESTIONS 1. What progress have you made on your priorities? 2. What still needs to be done? 3. How might you view all of this in a different light? Day 577 of Des McCabe's Personal Development Exercises
GO To avoid cumulative thinking restart your life. Begin a new phase. Reframe what you are doing, Reposition who you are. Have new objectives. Create a plan. Set some timescales. Put the past in a box. Fill your energy tank. Be determined. Focus on the next you. Move on in a new way, Grasp every moment. Go, and go again, and Go as often as you can. PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT QUESTIONS 1. Pick three ways and detail these now. Day 576 of Des McCabe's Personal Development Exercises
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