600 Personal Development Exercises
do one a day - every day!
TESTIMONIAL It’s hard to read the label when you’re inside the bottle…. I need someone outside the bottle to tell me what they see That is one of the things you do for me. And for all those you work with. You help those like me who are stuck inside their bottle. PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT QUESTIONS 1. If you could get out of your bottle what would you see written on the label? 2. As your own mentor, what would you say to yourself? 3. What then would you recommend as an action plan? Day 575 of Des McCabe's Personal Development Exercises
UPSIDE-DOWN TRIANGLE The logical extension of our upside-down triangle is that everybody in the world is part of our personal community. PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT QUESTIONS 1. Who in the world would you like to help or support or work with? 2. How can you build an upside network of connections to reach up and make this happen? 3. What does your community look like now – and this time next year? Day 574 of Des McCabe's Personal Development Exercises
GROWN UP The young tree sways gently in the breeze. Behind it the wooden fence stands solid and secure, protecting the little tree. We all have a role to play when we grow up. PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT QUESTIONS 1. Who are you looking after today? 2. Who else might need your help, support, or advice at the moment? Day 573 of Des McCabe's Personal Development Exercises
POINTS OF COMPLETION Life is not one continuous process. It is a series of overlapping phases that map out all that we do. Each of these phases are marked by a point of completion, a realisation that we have now gone beyond this. That was a different time. That was a different me. Where are the points of completion in your life? Of course, nothing is ever finished until it’s really over, but there are stages or steps or points that we all pass through that mark the completion of that earlier time. And sometimes it is only when we go back there, when we revisit, when something happens, that brings the past to life again, It is then we realise that this was a point of completion. That phase is over. We are now in a different place. PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT QUESTIONS 1. What are the main points of completion in your life? 2. When do you think the next one will be? Day 572 of Des McCabe's Personal Development Exercises
VOCATION It is beyond your work and all you do. It is behind who you are. For before you were born, you were chosen for everlasting life. For now is your work and all you do. To be who you truly are. You can see you were born, and you were chosen for everlasting life. This changes your work and all you do. So, search for who you are. You know you were born, and you were chosen, for everlasting life. PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT QUESTIONS 1. What is your life’s work? 2. At a deeply personal level, what do you know about yourself? 3. Why have you been chosen? Day 571 of Des McCabe's Personal Development Exercises
BACK AND FORWARD There are two movements required to sharpen our saw. Pulling back and doing less of what we shouldn’t do, and pushing forward with more of what we should do. PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT QUESTIONS 1. What do you need to do less of? 2. What do you need to do more of? 3. What are you making with your saw? Day 570 of Des McCabe's Personal Development Exercises
RESERVED SEATS It was packed on our 10am train this morning. I ended up at a table seat. The final place was politely requested by a scruffy looking guy who clearly was a bit the worse for wear. He was too chatty for the middle class group he joined. When he took out a can of beer, you could hear the comments in people’s heads. ‘I’m going to a mate’s funeral so it’s going to be a tough day. You don’t mind?’ he gently asked. I’m not sure the voices believed him. The train stopped at the next station and as more people got on, he offered his seat to a little girl who was sitting on the floor beside her Mum. The mother ignored his offer. My man took a call on his phone to confirm what time he would be at the funeral. He opened another can as we pulled into the next station. He offered his seat to a dad with kids who said ‘I’m getting off at the next stop. Thank you though. Top man!’ My man rolled a cigarette from a packet that stated that ‘smoking can cause throat cancer’. A young woman and her friend arrived and claimed their reserved seats opposite me. My man graciously packed up his battered laptop and left without a farewell. The ‘two husbands’ then arrived. They insisted that I stay in my seat. Then all four of them opened their cans. PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT QUESTIONS 1. What’s they key message in this story for you? 2. Why must we give up our seat? Day 569 of Des McCabe's Personal Development Exercises
ENOUGH SAID I have been given more than enough, more than I could expect. If no more comes, I already have had more than I could ever hope for. I have been given what is unimaginable, and yet real. I have been given more than enough. Thank you. PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT QUESTIONS 1. What is enough for you? 2. Have you been given enough? 3. What do you still need? Day 568 of Des McCabe's Personal Development Exercises
DOG BLANKET The dogs run to their blanket and settle down after their walk. They will always go to sit on the blanket, wherever it is in the house. They have learned that this is their place, where they belong. And so, they ignore all else around them, and stay on their blanket. We too live on our blanket and miss all that is around us. But unlike the dogs, there is no-one to tell us to sit, but ourselves. PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT QUESTIONS 1. 2. 3. Day 567 of Des McCabe's Personal Development Exercises
LIGHT SWITCH The world tells us that we are powerless to change anything, to make an impact or to shift things for the better. For we are just one trapped in the darkness. And yet, we have all the power and resources that we need, to make things better and make right what is wrong. For we are the one who can switch on the light. PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT QUESTIONS 1. What change would you like to see in our world? 2. Where is your light switch (your starting point)? 3. What will you see when you decide to switch on the light? Day 566 of Des McCabe's Personal Development Exercises
HONOUR THY MOTHER AND FATHER I want to say thank you to you both this morning. Your love, guidance and sacrifices made this moment. I come here and honour you. For without you none of this would be possible. And you would love all that is happening now, with your grandchildren and your great grandchildren. And with me. For without you none of this would be unfolding. And I ask you for help once again, like I have always done. So that we can finish this piece that you started. For without you I cannot be complete. PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT QUESTIONS 1. What do you thank your parents for? 2. What is it that you are trying to complete? 3. What advice would your parents give you, right now? Day 565 of Des McCabe's Personal Development Exercises
BEST JOB When I was in altar boy I would light the candles on the altar before mass. And then, blow them out afterwards. This was one of the best jobs! Now that I’m older I light the candle on the table each morning. And then, blow it out before bed. This is still the best job. PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT QUESTIONS 1. What is the best job that you have each day? 2. How do you start and end each day that you are given? Day 564 of Des McCabe's Personal Development Exercises
SKILLS SHORTAGES ‘There’s was a druggie in MacDonalds who had thrown up over himself. He was totally out of it. Really disgusting. Police should have come and locked him up.’ This was the greeting from Andy who had arrived early, to finish off a plastering job in my kitchen. He could see from my lack of response that I didn’t necessarily agree. ‘What if we created an environment where we could help people to recover? Punishment only makes us feel better. It doesn’t necessarily change the behaviour or help people to build a different future. I think that we, as a society need to create a different way forward.’ I suggested. ‘Like what, give me an alternative.’ said Andy. ‘Look after the person. Take away the drugs. Find out what they are good at. Help them to find meaningful work and to see a different way forward. Enable them to help others. The cost / benefit analysis in financial terms is better than building and staffing more prisons.’ Andy laughed ‘Makes sense, we need more plasterers.’ PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT QUESTIONS 1. How do you think we should address the drugs problem? 2. How do you personally respond when you meet someone who is struggling? Day 563 of Des McCabe's Personal Development Exercises
OLD AGE We’ve had a small decorative ceramic clock in our kitchen for years. Well, it’s actually a clock face set into a kitchen scene with the range, dresser and all the bits and pieces of a family kitchen, surrounding it. It’s a joyful and colourful little piece and we’ve become very attached to seeing it in its place. It’s literally part of the furniture wherever we have moved to. Recently however, during our house move, the minute hand on the little clock face got broken. A clock with one hand isn’t much use really. But we didn’t throw it out. It’s still sits in our kitchen as it has always done. Only now we see the old guy differently, for his hour hand tells us all we need to know. PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT QUESTIONS 1. What is your main disability / shortcoming? 2. How do others see you now that you are older? Day 562 of Des McCabe's Personal Development Exercises
NO TIP Can you put your cases in the boot? said my Uber driver, when he pulled up in his taxi. Some of these guys are so lazy I thought. He’s just wrecked any chance of a good tip. I chatted as I always do to taxi drivers. I’m keen to get their story and why they do this job. I’m originally from Cambodia, he said. I lost my left leg when a landline went off. I was seven. This country has been very kind to me. And this is a great job for someone with one leg! PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT QUESTIONS 1. When was the last time you made a wrong assumption or jumped to the wrong conclusion about someone? 2. Do you describe you work as a ‘great job’? 3. How can you become a worker for peace? Day 561 of Des McCabe's Personal Development Exercises
EXIT INTERVIEW (FOR JENNIFER) When someone leaves the business, we all seem to play a blame game. The aim seems to be to justify the fact that the person has gone. This leaves only negativity. What we so often fail to do, is to be grateful for the times of learning and joy, that the person brought, for their personality, for their willingness to be part of our lives and to contribute in their own way. Of course, none of us is perfect. But the real challenge of leaving is to remember that the person is still here in our world and will always be a part of our lives, as we are of theirs. PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT QUESTIONS 1. Who have you worked with in the past and failed to say a proper goodbye to? 2. How does your organization respond when people leave? 3. How should we respond to the two aspects of work ending - the role/task on the one hand and the person/relationship on the other? Day 560 of Des McCabe's Personal Development Exercises
THE LETTER A letter arrives as a brutal reminder of a time you thought was well gone. It seeks to bring you back there, to get you back to where are you once were. But you have moved on and what was then, is now long gone. The only way to truly move ourselves forward is to leave ourselves behind. For it is only then we can see where we really are, and where we are going. PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT QUESTIONS 1. What still haunts you from your past? 2. Can you imagine your life without this burden? 3. What might you do to begin to leave your old self behind? Day 559 of Des McCabe's Personal Development Exercises
THERE COMES THIS TIME There comes this time in your life when the mist clears, and you can see all around you. There comes this time in your life when the fog lifts, and everything makes sense There comes this time when fog and mist do not exist. And you see everything in a different way. There comes this time in your life when you will see what so few understand. PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT QUESTIONS 1. What is the mist and fog in your life? 2. What needs to happen for you to see everything in a different way? 3. What understanding are you seeking? Day 558 of Des McCabe's Personal Development Exercises
MELT DOWN It is only when all crashes in on us, in that moment of despair, that we see what truly matters. Then we have the freedom and the gift, to reshape ourselves, as we are meant to be. For we cannot reimagine ourselves from inside when we are we are frozen like blocks of ice. It is only when all crashes in on us, when we melt, that we are free to be. PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT QUESTIONS 1. What does it take for you to melt, to be free to be what you can be? 2. What do you need to overcome to allow you? Day 557 of Des McCabe's Personal Development Exercise
PERSONAL MANAGEMENT There is who I am now and who I will become. There is, what I do now and what is yet to be done. There are tasks for today and yet nothing to do. For all sits as one and all rests in you. So, my priority for today and my whole life plan is not just activity, but to make real who I am. PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT QUESTIONS 1. How will you make real all that you are? 2. What aspects of your real self, have yet to find their true voice? Day 556 of Des McCabe's Personal Development Exercises
SELF HELP I reached out to my therapist a few weeks ago. I told her it was urgent. I needed help. She said ‘I can talk to you in eight or nine days. That's my next availability’. Now, what that did was create a vacuum that I had to fill. I was basically in therapy with her, every day for eight days. I knew I had to be ready for our session. When we met, I wanted to pay my therapist immediately. I said that we didn’t need the hour, because I'd been working every hour since we scheduled the session. PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT QUESTIONS 1. How can you apply distance learning therapy to the colleagues you work with? 2. How can you apply distance learning therapy to a situation you are trying to figure out? Day 555 of Des McCabe's Personal Development Exercises
THE GATHERING It’s the gathering up, before leaving behind forever that person or place. We’re taking forward memories which will gradually fade over time. We are left with only a feeling about the place or the person now long gone. PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT QUESTIONS 1. 2. 3. Day 554 of Des McCabe's Personal Development Exercises
LOVE Your role is to share the love that God is, especially to those who do not understand, that God is love. That is all. PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT QUESTIONS 1. If we see God as love how does this change the way that we see and talk about God? Day 553 of Des McCabe's Personal Development Exercises
OUR QUIET SELF I sat for two and a half hours in Costa yesterday, in the city centre, beside Waterstones bookshop. After all the drama and busyness of Christmas and the New Year I just needed to sit. Sheffield Cathedral and Saint Marie’s had both closed early for the bank holiday. But God is in Costa coffee shops and Churches, someone once wrote. Indeed, God is with us wherever we are, for God is in us. God is part of who we are. We just need to sit and listen to our quiet self, wherever we are. PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT QUESTIONS 1. When will you take a few minutes today to sit and listen to your quiet self? 2. Where will you be? Day 552 of Des McCabe's Personal Development Exercises
UNBELIEF Do not fall into the trap of rejecting love, because others tell you to call it God or wrap it up as religion. Ignore their beliefs in Gods and religions. For there is only Love. PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT EXERCIS 1. How can you express all that you believe in terms of love? Day 551 of Des McCabe's Personal Development Exercises
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