600 Personal Development Exercises
do one a day - every day!
PROBLEM SOLVING We tend to think of shop assistants, cleaners or bus drivers as providing a service, when in fact they are solving a problem, or a need that we have. It would be good if we could recognise the impact that they have made, providing us with food, sorting out our house, or getting us home safely. Let us say 'thank you' each time, to all of our problem solvers and solution providers, who are busy doing their job, and making life a bit easier for all of us. PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT EXERCISE 1. When you think of the work that you do, what problem do you solve or what needs do you meet? 2. What should your job/work title really be? Day 506 of Des McCabe's Personal Development Exercises PREOCCUPATION What comes before your occupation, before your work? What is within you, that drives or leads you to your work? What is it, that makes you choose the work that you do? What is it, that gives purpose and meaning to your work? What is this preoccupation, that comes before your work? PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT EXERCISE 1. What is your preoccupation - the driver for what you do? Day 475 of Des McCabe's Personal Development Exercise SPACE MISSION Could you go outwards away from all that is now? Beyond the world. Beyond the universe. Beyond your imagination. Beyond your thoughts. To where there is nothing. To where you belong. PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT EXERCISE 1. How far are you prepared to travel - without physically going anywhere? Day 466 of Des McCabe's Personal Development Exercises LACK OF AMBITION I don’t need anything for I have you. I don’t need to go anywhere for I am here with you. I don’t need to be something for I am everything with you. I don’t need to search for I have found all with you. PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT EXERCISE. 1. What is your ambition? 2. How do we view those with no ambition? Day 304 of Des McCabe's Personal Development Exercises
JOB VACANCY When we are asked ‘what do you do?’, we often give a response based on a job. I am in retail. I’m in banking. I work on the ambulance. I’m a teacher. Or maybe, I’m unemployed. I’m looking for work. I’m building my business. I’m at college. The world has conditioned us to define what we do, by the job we do. Our perceived economic value. But this is not what we do. This is simply the role that others assign to us or we give to ourselves. So, go beyond the two or three word title, and think ‘What do you do? At home? With your family? With your colleagues or friends? In your community? In all your activities? In your creativity? In your gentleness? In your conversations? In your hopes and plans?’ Next time someone asks, Have your answer ready and tell them, what you really do. PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT EXERCISE 1. Let's practice this - 'What do you do?' Day 249 of Des McCabe's Personal Development Exercises
LIFE COACH If you’re thinking about using a Life Coach, then ask them one question. 'What is your purpose in life?' If you need to ask a follow-up question for greater clarity, you will know which one of you is the Life Coach and which one of you needs a Life Coach. PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT EXERCISE. 1. What is your purpose in life? Day 228 of Des McCabe's Personal Development Exercises
COMPOUND INTEREST What is it that you really want to do, to build or to achieve? Most things don’t happen overnight. Anything worthwhile usually takes some time to put in place. So, in a busy world, with limited resources, how can we make it happen? It’s about doing something every day. It’s about adding a piece today, and then another piece tomorrow. This is the way we achieve all that is important to us, and how we build our future. Put your priorities first each day or you simply won’t get round to it. Seize this moment. Make a plan. Be determined. Start today with one piece. Tomorrow, add another piece. The next day, add the next piece, and every day, no matter what, keep adding a piece. Do something every day. PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT EXERCISE. 1. Compound interest is not just about investing money. It's about investing a little of our time every day to build your core aim. We are only here once, so what do you really want to do? What do you want to build or to achieve? 2. Say this phrase every morning 'Do Something Every Day' - DSED 3. What is today's piece? Day 211 of Des McCabe's Personal Development Exercises
ON-LINE JOB APPLICATION What is your current job? Please don’t use your job title. Who do you work for? Please don’t put your business name or your boss’s name here. What do you work for? Please go beyond money. What do you actually do? Please go beyond your job description. What does your ideal job look like? Please say what you’d really like to do. PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT EXERCISE 1. Put all five answers together.. 2. Send this to yourself and ask 'what does it say to you?' Day 143 of Des McCabe's Personal Development Exercises
CAREER CHANGE When we speak of career change we don’t mean changing jobs or sectors or a new job title. We don’t mean getting promotion, going back to college or having flexible work arrangements. We don’t mean working from home, working for yourself or starting a business. What we mean is changing the career model and becoming fully ourselves. We can step out of the career box that we are put in, for this is only one construct for guiding our lives. There are many alternatives such as time, purpose, age, self-knowledge, family, personal situation, wish list, relationships, spiritually, love, service or trust. The career model is not our only choice. We can all have a frame of reference for our lives that works for us. PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT EXERCISE 1. Which alternative to the career development model might you explore - time, purpose, age, self-knowledge, family, personal situation, wish list, relationships, spiritually, love, service or trust? 2. What does your future look like based on this? Day 117 of Des McCabe's Personal Development Exercises
LIMITING BELIEFS We can see the door and not open it. We can approach the gate and not go through it. We can be told the path and not take it. We can be shown a new way and not go there. PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT EXERCISE 1. What negative thoughts are holding you back from doing all you want to do? 2. All is possible through love and we are made of love. You can be all you should be. Open the door. Go through the gate. Take the path. Start your new way. Day 115 of Des McCabe's Personal Development Exercises
CAREER DEVELOPMENT STRATEGY I was building my career and income and learning to live my purpose through this. Now I'm delivering on my purpose and building my career and income through this. PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT EXERCISE 1. What is your career development strategy? 2. How can your purpose help to steer your career? Day 109 of Des McCabe's Personal Development Exercises
RETAIL TRAINING PROGRAMME Go to a bookshop and browse. Check out the poetry, personal development or business books. Collect stories, ideas, quotes and perspectives that challenge or excite you. Let your sense of wonder come alive. Let possibilities and scenarios explode in your brain like winter fireworks. Capture the key messages. Next time you go shopping, join me and let us take ten minutes together on our retail training programme. PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT EXERCISE 1. Pick out two or three books from your shelf or bookcase that you haven’t opened for ages. Browse through these and write down three or four ideas. Now play with these and think ‘What are the key messages for me?' and 'How can I use these?’ 2. Join me next time you go shopping on my Retail Training Programme. Day 85 of Des McCabe's Personal Development Exercises
MERCHANDISING Rearrange yourself. Mix up your pieces a bit and bring out all the love you have. Re-stock your shelves. Let the world see a new you, the real you. PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT EXERCISE 1. What can I get in your shop? 2. What is your new merchandising plan? Day 84 of Des McCabe's Personal Development Exercises
OUTSIDE CATERING The boss and employee relationship is deeply flawed. It is not a true construct for it restricts both parties. We can only bring a fixed menu to the job table. And it’s the same meals every day in every workplace. We all leave behind kitchens full of food, unused equipment and books of recipes, unopened.. PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT EXERCISE 1. List all of the skills, experience, interests and knowledge that you leave at home when you go to work. 2. What new 'recipe' might you create today? 3. How will you build your 'Outside Catering' business? Day 26 of Des McCabe's Personal Development Exercises
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