600 Personal Development Exercises
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JOB VACANCY When we are asked ‘what do you do?’, we often give a response based on a job. I am in retail. I’m in banking. I work on the ambulance. I’m a teacher. Or maybe, I’m unemployed. I’m looking for work. I’m building my business. I’m at college. The world has conditioned us to define what we do, by the job we do. Our perceived economic value. But this is not what we do. This is simply the role that others assign to us or we give to ourselves. So, go beyond the two or three word title, and think ‘What do you do? At home? With your family? With your colleagues or friends? In your community? In all your activities? In your creativity? In your gentleness? In your conversations? In your hopes and plans?’ Next time someone asks, Have your answer ready and tell them, what you really do. PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT EXERCISE 1. Let's practice this - 'What do you do?' Day 249 of Des McCabe's Personal Development Exercises
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