600 Personal Development Exercises
do one a day - every day!
RETAIL TRAINING PROGRAMME Go to a bookshop and browse. Check out the poetry, personal development or business books. Collect stories, ideas, quotes and perspectives that challenge or excite you. Let your sense of wonder come alive. Let possibilities and scenarios explode in your brain like winter fireworks. Capture the key messages. Next time you go shopping, join me and let us take ten minutes together on our retail training programme. PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT EXERCISE 1. Pick out two or three books from your shelf or bookcase that you haven’t opened for ages. Browse through these and write down three or four ideas. Now play with these and think ‘What are the key messages for me?' and 'How can I use these?’ 2. Join me next time you go shopping on my Retail Training Programme. Day 85 of Des McCabe's Personal Development Exercises
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