600 Personal Development Exercises
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BIRTHDAY PARTY There is a party in our village when a new baby is born. Families all get together on a Saturday morning at 11am to meet the new arrival, and welcome this new person to our world. We celebrate with smiles and hugs giving thanks for all our lives. We shed a small tear of remembrance for those who have left us. These little parties are literally, staging posts, and the lifeblood of our village. We call this a 'Birth Day' party, for the time of our first days. It’s the informal coming together of family, friends and community. It’s our call to journey with the child and for us all to begin again. PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT EXERCISE. 1. How might you 'journey' with us and 'begin again' this Saturday morning at 11am? 2. Who would have been around at your Birth Day - and what do you imagine they said? Day 329 of Des McCabe's Personal Development Exercises
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